Watson's Dodd - Route One


Start - Legburthwaite NY 318 195 Distance - 1.6 miles Ascent - 2,060 feet Time - 1 hour : 40 minutes



Almost opposite the United Utilities car park at Legburthwaite is a stile giving access to the climber's path leading up to Castle Rock
Castle Rock from the climber's path
Looking across to Great How from the climber's path, the United Utilities car park is situated in the trees on the right
The climber's path leads up towards the the south buttress of Castle Rock and crosses the water leat at the top of the field.  A walker's path bears off to the right crossing a stone stile in the boundary wall, coming level with the leat - at a section where it runs briefly underground through a rock outcrop
The path onwards from the stile
Looking back towards Wren Crag from the stile
The path crosses another stile above a small plantation of conifers and continues alongside the water leat
Looking up to the south buttress of Castle Rock from the stile
The path alongside the water leat
The south buttress of Castle Rock from the water leat
At the end of the conifer plantation the water leat again disappears underground and a stile gives access to the open fellside
The ascent path continues alongside a fence enclosing an area of recently planted trees
Looking over to Brown Crag
Looking up to the terminal crags on the west ridge of Watson's Dodd
Eventually the path meets, and follows, an enclosure wall behind Castle Rock
Looking back to Thirlmere from the enclosure wall
The back of Castle Rock from the enclosure wall
The hard work begins from the wall corner of the enclosure with a very steep ascent of the slope to the left of the terminal crags
Looking over to Blencathra beyond Lad Knott and Beckthorns Ridge
High Rigg and Skiddaw
Looking down on the wall corner of the Castle Rock enclosure
This lower part of the ascent follows a deep groove which leads up to an old shepherd's cairn
Looking back to Thirlmere from the climb to the cairn
Looking across to the terminal crags on the west ridge
Thirlmere from the shepherd's cairn
Looking down on Castle Rock from the shepherd's cairn
Blencathra from the shepherd's cairn
High Rigg and Skiddaw from the shepherd's cairn
Continuing on from the cairn, the summit of Watson's Dodd soon appears on the left over the trackless slopes of the west ridge
Looking back to the top of Castle Rock.  If descending by this route, it is important to aim for the rock as soon as it comes into view in order to avoid the crags and difficult ground at the end of the ridge
Looking over to Lonscale Fell and Blencathra
The summit of Watson's Dodd from the west ridge.  As AW noted "This ascent promises well, but deteriorates into a trudge".  There is no path and the climb is very tedious over the thick tussocks of grass.  Progress may be measured by the linking up of the occasional outcrops of rock
Lonscale Fell and Blencathra from one of the many rock outcrops on the west ridge
Looking across to Stybarrow Dodd and Raise
The final slope leading up to the summit
Looking back to Thirlmere from just below the summit
Helvellyn from just below the summit
Looking over to Blencathra from just below the summit
The summit cairn comes into view
Thirlmere from the summit of Watson's Dodd
The North Western Fells from the summit of Watson's Dodd
Skiddaw from the summit of Watson's Dodd
Blencathra from the summit of Watson's Dodd
The connecting ridge to Great Dodd
The connecting ridge to Stybarrow Dodd
Raise, White Side and Helvellyn


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