Walna Scar - Route One


Start - Torver SD 284 942 Distance - 6.5 miles Ascent - 1,950 feet Time - 3 hours : 25 minutes



The Wilson Arms in Torver is the starting point for this walk.  A footpath sign "To Ash Gill" guides you to the right of the hotel onto a walled lane.
The lane leads up to High Park Cottage before turning left to climb diagonally through the woods of High Torver Park
Emerging from the wood, the summit of Coniston Old Man appears over the slopes of the Matthew Tranearth intake
White Maiden comes into view as the path approaches Bull Haw Moss
Dow Crag and Coniston Old Man
A stile gives access to Bull Haw Moss.  White Maiden, Walna Scar and Brown Pike can be seen above Torver High Common
Dow Crag and Coniston Old Man from the footbridge over Bull Haw Moss Beck.  The path continues over the Moss towards the tree lined Ash Gill, seen here on the left
Looking over to Banks from Bull Haw Moss Beck
Looking back to Bull Haw Moss from the path alongside Ash Gill
Looking over Banishead Moor to the Far Eastern Fells
Brown Pike, Buck Pike and Coniston Old Man from the spoil heaps and ruins of Ash Gill Quarry
Brown Pike, Buck Pike and Coniston Old Man from the waterfall above Ash Gill Quarry
White Maiden from the top of the waterfall.  The way ahead crosses the upper part of Torver High Common and traverses along an obvious shelf below Dropping Crag to reach a wall which leads directly to the summit of White Maiden
Buck Pike and Coniston Old Man from the shelf above Torver High Common
Broughton Quarry from the shelf below Dropping Crag
Coniston Water over Torver High Common
Traversing below Dropping Crag
The shelf ends abrubtly above a deep gully where the wall comes into view
Looking down to Broughton Quarry from the gully
The start of the climb alongside the wall weaves its way amongst a wide area of boulders
Looking over to the distinctive summit of Caw
Looking down to Broughton Quarry
The route gets much easier as the upper slopes come into view.  The dark rocks on the centre skyline lie just below the summit of White Maiden
Looking over to Buck Pike, Brown Pike and Coniston Old Man
The summit comes into view as the wall makes an acute turn to the left
The summit cairn on White Maiden
Harter Fell from the summit of White Maiden
The cloud capped Scafells from the summit of White Maiden
The summit of White Pike lies a short distance to the west and is well worth a visit for its views over the Duddon Valley
Caw from the summit of White Pike
Green Crag and Harter Fell across the Duddon Valley
Looking back to White Maiden from the summit of White Pike.  The path leading to Walna Scar can be seen on the left
The Coniston Fells from the summit of White Pike
Dow Crag, Buck Pike and Brown Pike from the unnamed tarn on the Walna Scar ridge
The summit of Walna Scar
Brown Pike and Coniston Water from the summit of Walna Scar
Descending to the summit of the Walna Scar Pass
Coniston Water from the Walna Scar Road
The winding Walna Scar Road leading down to Cove Bridge
Dow Crag From Cove Bridge
Coniston Old Man from Cove Bridge
The path back to Torver from Cove Bridge passes between the deep excavations of the disused Banishead Quarry - Looking down the western hole
The flooded eastern hole
Scarr Head near the end of the walk


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