Grike - Route One

Start - Scaly Moss NY 059 139 Distance - 2 miles Ascent - 860 feet Time 1 hour : 10 minutes



This is a bit of a nostalgic walk for me, I was born and grew up at the foot of these Ennerdale and Kinniside fells and walked them long before Wainwright wrote his guide for the area.  Grike is known locally as Stone Man, so named because of the huge tumulus on its summit which is visible from miles around.  It was good to return here after a long absence and see all the changes.


Scaly Moss on the Coldfell Road is the starting point for this walk, there are a number of pull off spaces in which to park alongside the road
The start of the old mine road which traverses across the slopes of Blakeley Raise to a gate in the forest fence. The road continues on for almost three miles to the disused iron ore mine near Red Beck on the far side of Crag Fell
Looking back to Dent and Flat Fell, the parking area on Scaly Moss on the right
Looking over Blakeley Moss to the West Cumbria coast
The handgate in the forestry fence
Dent and Flat Fell from the forestry gate
The first sighting of Grike, its summit is just visible above the trees on the slopes of Heckbarley

Looking over to Blake Fell, the highest of the Loweswater group of fells
Looking back towards Cleator Moor and the West Cumbria coast
At the time of this walk most of the trees on the slopes of Heckbarley and Grike were being harvested and the forest roads were busy with lorries
Warning notices on Heckbarley as we approach the current area of tree felling operations
The old mine road skirts the edge of the forest so was largely unaffected by the current operations
Looking over towards Lank Rigg from the old mine road
Grike from the old mine road
  The valley of the River Calder from the old mine road
Looking back along the old mine road, Blakeley Raise and Dent on the left
Years ago it was usual to ascend Grike from the highest point of the road beyond the trees on the horizon, but "new" stiles have been provided to access the south-west slopes well below that point
Another transporter arrives to be loaded up with logs
Leaving the old mine road for the south-west slopes of Grike.  Jasper was a bit wary of the narrow stile and wire fence but the gate was locked
The climb up the south-west slope
Another stile gives access to the upper slopes
Looking over to Lank Rigg from the stile
Looking back to the felled area on Heckbarley and Blakeley Raise
The summit of Grike is only a short distance above the stile
The summit cairn on Grike
The ancient tumulus, now hollowed out to form a windshelter
Blake Fell with Gavel Fell on the right
Herdus and Great Borne, its top just clear of the cloud, with a sunlit Gavel Fell on the left
Crag Fell along the connecting ridge
Looking east, most of the higher fells at the head of the Ennerdale Valley are covered in cloud
Looking south to Lank Rigg
Looking south-west to the valley of the River Calder


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