Blake Fell - Route Two


Start - Felldike NY 084 177 Distance - 2.7 miles Ascent - 1,460 feet Time - 1 hour : 40 minutes



The small Forestry Commission car park at Felldyke is the starting point for this walk
Above the car park a gate gives access to a track which leads to Cogra Moss
After crossing an open field the track enters the forestry enclosure.  An information board near the gate gives details about the conservation work and replanting which is currently underway
Sharp Knott and Blake Fell from the forestry track
Cogra Moss reservoir.  The path crosses the top of the dam and continues alongside the western side of the reservoir
Looking down the overflow spillway from the top of the dam
Sharp Knott and Blake Fell from the western side of the reservoir
The path along the western side of the resevoir with High Haws straight ahead and Sharp Knott on the right
The reservoir was created in 1880 by the damming of Rakegill Beck, although it ceased to be a drinking water supply in 1975.  Nowadays its peaceful setting is a very popular with anglers and walkers
The path continues alongside the northern side of the reservoir and is quite boggy in places. The worst sections have wooden walkways across them
Eventually the path joins and old forestry track which runs alongside the wooded slopes of High Haws towards the valley of Wisenholme Beck
Looking back along the track, with Low Pen on the left and Knock Murton on the right
Burnbank Fell from the foresty track
The forestry track makes a sharp turn to the right and begins to climb the lower slopes of Sharp Knott
Looking over to Knock Murton and Cogra Moss
Looking back to the steep slopes of Owsen Fell above the Wisenholme Beck valley
After ascending for a quarter of a mile the track turns again to climb more gently around the northern slopes of Sharp Knott
The forestry track on the northern slopes of Sharp Knott
The forestry track comes to an abrupt end when it meets the head of Wisenholme Beck.   A steep, and initially very rough path, continues on alongside the edge of the plantation climbing up to the col between Sharp Knott and Blake Fell
Looking back, Criffel appears over the col between Owsen Fell and Burnbank Fell
The summit of Burnbank Fell from the climb to the col
Looking over to the Solway coast from the climb to the col
Just below the col a path branches off towards the summit of Sharp Knott
The summit cairn on Sharp Knott
The Solway coast over Owsen Fell from the summit of Sharp Knott
Burnbank Fell with a distant view of Binsey on the right
Blake Fell from the summit of Sharp Knott
Looking back to the summit of Sharp Knott from the col
The path up to Blake Fell from the col
Looking over to Knock Murton and Cogra Moss from the climb to the summit of Blake Fell
Looking back to the col and Sharp Knott
Looking over to Skiddaw with Carling Knott, a subsidiary ridge of Blake Fell, in the middle foreground
The summit of Blake Fell comes into view
Looking back to Sharp Knott
The summit shelter on Blake Fell
Knock Murton and Cogra Moss from the summit of Blake Fell
The connecting ridge to Burnbank Fell
Carling Knott with Skiddaw on the right horizon
The North-Western Fells of Whiteside, Hopegill Head, Grasmoor and Wandope with the north top of Mellbreak in the right middle distance
Buttermere from the summit of Blake Fell
Looking south-east High Stile, Pillar, Scoat Fell and Haycock form the horizon
Haycock on the left over the summit of Great Borne
Looking south, Crag Fell and Grike above the foot of Ennerdale Water



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